Spring has finally arrived in Kennebunkport! The temperatures are warmer, days are longer, and the sweet faces of pansies and daffodils are peeking out from the remnants of melting snow. Robins have been spotted hopping along on the bare brown ground, soon to be transformed into lush green grass! Everything is waking up and ushering in the energy of spring… renewal, regeneration, reorganization, cleaning up and cleaning out. Do you remember coming home from school, as a kid, to bare windows? Curtains taken down to be washed, dried and ironed, while Windex was used to erase winter’s fingerprints on the glass panes. The scent of furniture polish permeated every room in the house as a massive Spring-cleaning process was well underway! How my mother loved her Spring-cleaning ritual- making everything clean and fresh. And so, it continues here at Coastal Jewelers, the exact same familiar scents of Windex and furniture polish are in the air as the windows are washed and our jewelry cases polished, reorganized and rearranged to make room for the new. We’ve expanded our estate jewelry section and rearranges displays in our tourmaline collection. We have been busy creating new designs for rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets in preparation for the busy summer season.
So, has the energy of Spring moved you to look around and decide to renew and refresh? One commonly overlooked aspect of our home is the jewelry box. When was the last time you sorted through it all? Consider taking some quiet time for yourself to spend with your jewelry pieces collected over the years. As you hold each piece, enjoy the pleasant memories flooding in, bringing a smile to your face! Those great earrings purchased on a wonderful vacation, the surprise diamond necklace given to you as a birthday present, or perhaps a brooch or two handed down to you from your Mom or grandmother. You get to re-experience these wonderful times represented by these pieces of jewelry.
But, as you near the bottom of the box housing your treasures, you see a few pieces that have been long forgotten; pieces that perhaps have fallen out of favor with your current style. You decide to put them in a separate pile as you finish your task at hand and wonder what to do with these left over least favorite pieces. May we suggest packing up this jewelry and consider bringing them in to the store to chat with us about using the stones to redesign a piece or pieces that you will once again enjoy wearing! Or we could talk about designing pieces for you to hand down to a loved one. We do quite a lot of custom work and re-designing and re-purposing jewelry is one of our many services offered. We so enjoy co-creating with you to bring to life exquisite pieces of jewelry you’ll be excited to wear again. We guarantee fun during the creative process and delight with the finished product!
We are currently open 10:00am to 5:00pm, seven days a week and look forward to seeing of hearing from you soon!
Happy Spring!