Dear Friends,
After much thought and careful consideration, as well as out of the care and concern for our staff and clients, we will be closing the store on Sunday, March 22 through April 1, at which time we will reassess. We will be open Saturday from 10-5 for any last minute needs and for our clients to pick up repair work. We are happy to offer curbside pick up for both, just give us a call at 207-967-0100.
We will continue to monitor our email daily, and will post some specials and stay connected through Facebook and Instagram. The phone will be forwarded to Susan so if you need a live voice, I’m here! Abbie will be busy adding new pieces to the website and remember, a gift card always fits! The door might not be open but we are always here for you!
We are all in this boat together, and we thank you for your continued support. (thanks Bob Dennis for the beautiful photo!). Please take care, be kind to others, social distance, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and for God’s sake stop hoarding toilet paper… the trees will be leafing out soon! 🙂
Stay strong everyone, especially our fellow small business friends. We’ve got this!
Love, Susan, Brian & Abbie