Opening June 1!

Hello Friends!

We hope this note finds everyone healthy, safe and happy.  We have missed you!  We are excited to finally be able to re-open on June 1st at 10am.  We will of course be following all of the CDC guidelines to provide a safe and healthy atmosphere for both our clients and our staff and do our best to provide you with the cleanest, safest, happiest shopping experience.  We may need to make adjustments along the way so please bare with us as we navigate these uncharted waters.  In the meantime, if there is anything you need, and you are not comfortable with a one on one shopping experience just yet, please always know we are available by email, phone, Facebook and Instagram and are happy to provide curbside pick up or free shipping via US insured mail.

Stay safe and healthy and we will look forward to seeing you in person or hearing from you soon!

The Coastal Jewelers Team



Greetings from your QuaranTEAM!

Dear Friends,

During these unprecedented times, we have all had to try to adapt to our new “normal” and try to remain positive and hopeful as we wait for better days that lie ahead. We have been brainstorming ideas to make the store even better for when we are able to open and see your smiling faces again, and cannot wait for that day to arrive! In the meantime, we must adapt to a different way of doing business and we do appreciate your support, as always! Here are some exciting things that are going on!
Right now we are offering 10% off anything on our website, including our entire Tourmaline collection  which is pretty unheard of since its so difficult for us to find! In addition, travel over to our “Wave Collection” and you can score a 15% off discount! Shipping is of course FREE and if you are lucky enough to live nearby, we can arrange a safe, curbside pick up for you. Use coupon codes SPRING10 and WAVE15 at checkout for your discount.
Another exciting development!  We are bringing back our wildly successful and super fun Online Gem Event on April 23-25!  We are gathering up some of the coolest and most unique stones with interesting colors, shapes all at killer prices! Be sure to follow us on social media and tune in on April 23rd to snag these amazing deals. If you are not on social media please call: (207) 967-0100 or email: so that we can be sure you are able to participate in this amazing event.
Lastly, keep your eye on Facebook and Instagram as we are continually posting amazing deals and specials that won’t last long so brighten up your day with a new piece of jewelry and score a great deal while you’re at it, a real win win!  We wish everyone continued health, happiness and most of all please stay safe during this crazy time. We will keep you updated with reopening dates and information. We can’t wait to see you when we are on the other side of this, we miss you all!
With love and best wishes,
Susan, Brian & Abbie
Your Coastal Jewelers QuaranTEAM

Corona Virus Update

Dear Friends,

After much thought and careful consideration, as well as out of the care and concern for our staff and clients, we will be closing the store on Sunday, March 22 through  April 1, at which time we will reassess.  We will be open Saturday from 10-5 for any last minute needs and for our clients to pick up repair work.  We are happy to offer curbside pick up for both, just give us a call at 207-967-0100.

We will continue to monitor our email daily, and will post some specials and stay connected through Facebook and Instagram.  The phone will be forwarded to Susan so if you need a live voice, I’m here!  Abbie will be busy adding new pieces to the website and remember, a gift card always fits!  The door might not be open but we are always here for you!

We are all in this boat together, and we thank you for your continued support.  (thanks Bob Dennis for the beautiful photo!).  Please take care, be kind to others, social distance, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and for God’s sake stop hoarding toilet paper… the trees will be leafing out soon!  🙂

Stay strong everyone, especially our fellow small business friends.  We’ve got this!

Love, Susan, Brian & Abbie

Buying a Diamond Online vs. from your Trusted Jeweler.

An SI1, is an SI1, is an SI1…. not true. We have all seen the amazing pillows people have purchased online only to receive them and realize they are made for a dollhouse. We don’t want you to make that mistake when it comes to buying your diamonds. You can’t trust everything you read online, unless of course its the Coastal Jewelers blog. 😉
That being said we wanted to delve deeper into the idea of buying diamonds online, and why some things are still best done in person. We can talk all day about the 4 C’s and we will plan to touch on those in another blog post but for now we want to explain how just reading a report is not enough to know what you are really getting. The 4 C’s of diamonds are Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat. While the scale of these do not differ the interpretation and execution can differ wildly. Let’s look a little closer at each one of these.

Diamond Stack

Color: The best diamond color starts at D, which means it is colorless. I can think of a few classes I wish D was the best grade but I digress. The color grades go down from there with D-E-F being colorless and G-I-H being near colorless. These grades are easy to read on a report you find online but some reports grade with a curve. Color is not the only subjective grade.

Clarity: Flawless, internally flawless, very very slightly included, very slightly included, slightly included, included plus the levels within each grade, these are all the possible grades for a diamonds clarity. I am not here to say that inclusions are bad; in fact, they make your diamond uniquely your own because no two diamonds have the same inclusions. Personally, I would prefer the diamond with a few small white inclusions on the side of the diamond versus a black inclusion directly under the table but both of these inclusions could be given the same grade.

Cut: A diamonds cut is crucial to the way it brings light back to the eye and shows the brilliance of the diamond. There are many factors that go into the cut such as the polish, symmetry and proportions but none of these can substitute for actually seeing the brilliance in person.

Carat: There is so much more to a diamond then just how much it weighs. Yes, to be able to say its a 1.0ct diamond is thrilling but if the cut and proportions are not well done the majority of the 1.0ct could be sitting at the bottom of the diamond never to be seen or appreciated, this will also mean it looks smaller because the weight is not evenly distributed.

We take all these factor into account when we are searching for diamonds for a client, while we have extensive experience and education on this matter we still get multiple diamonds in to see and select in person. The grading reports are where we all start and are a very important part of selecting a diamond, but I believe that they can not be the only part of selecting a diamond. Modern technology has offered so much with online shopping but this is a major purchase and event in ones life, we want to help guide you to get the very best. At the end of the day we want our customer to be thrilled with the diamond they bought, not just the great deal they got. She wont be looking at the receipt everyday but she will be looking at the sparkling beauty on her hand everyday.

Did you know we have an in house gemologist. Abbie got her graduate gemology degree from GIA in 2012 and Susan and Abbie have a combined almost 35 years in the industry. We are honored when a client allows us to help them with a diamond purchase. We have access to diamond dealers all over the country, purchasing from all over the world. We take our time to explore what our client is looking for with budget and style parameters and we take the time to walk them through each process of this exciting purchase. We are here anytime to answer questions and offer guidance. It is such a pleasure for us to see a piece of jewelry come to fruition and be presented.
Let us help you purchase that perfect diamond! Diamond Halo Ring

It’s Paint the Town Red Month in Kennebunkport!

Red lights and hearts have adorned most of the shops spreading an air of love and happiness across our quaint town!  Most of the shops and restaurants are offering specials for the entire month so take a trip downtown and check us all out!  We are offering up to 25% off select jewelry in store – call us for details!  Kennebunkport has so much to offer, even in the quiet months and the bonus is, less traffic and all kinds of parking – YAY!

diamond tennis bracelets

We are still digging out from our latest snow storm but are excited to be gearing up and preparing for the season ahead. We are going into our 20th year in the Port and truly could not have done this without you. We appreciate your continued patronage and hope to continue to entice you with new and vintage beauties in the coming months.

We are thrilled to be heading back to Atlanta for our yearly trade show to see all the latest trends and get some new bling to share with you all.

Last year we expanded our estate collection and brought in two new lines that have done very well for us.
Thorsten is a unique and modern collection of men’s and unisex bands featuring inlays of everything from deer antler to lava rocks.

Shy Creations is a line of affordable and delicate diamond jewelry that is just the right amount of sparkle for every event. With pieces starting at $190, you can treat yourself just because!

We can’t wait to see what new styles, trends and colors we will introduce this year!

ruby studs

2020 is a big year for Coastal Jewelers as we will be celebrating 20 years in business. Be sure to keep your eye out for celebrations and sales to commemorate our 20 years of selling incredible tourmaline, custom pieces, diamond engagement rings and a beautiful array of jewelry for everyone!


We are currently open Friday through Monday in February with extended hours for Valentine’s Week and soon enough we will be back to 7 days a week!  In the meantime know we are always available via email and social media, we hope to see you soon or hear from you!


Wishing a very Happy New Year to everyone and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year and new decade!  We will be closed for our annual winter break from January 1st through the 9th. We will re-open on January 10th at 10am with our winter schedule of Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  As always, feel free to reach out via email, phone or Facebook or we will look forward to seeing you in person, very soon!

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy 2020!  Cheers!


Holiday Prep and Thankfulness

Holidays are upon us and the little elves of Coastal a scurrying around preparing for Prelude and the Holidays. Thanksgiving will be here in no time and as we reflect on the past year; which flew by, as it does every year, we are again so thankful for your continued patronage and support over the last 20 seasons. We appreciate not just your patronage but also the friendships we have cultivated with you. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with delicious food, friends and loved one: the most important part of any holiday celebration!

Prelude 2019 is also right around the corner, starting on December 5th through the 15th. We always look forward to the floods of joyful shoppers, hilarious hats and festive events throughout the town. This year we are excited to participate in the European style Christmas Prelude Outdoor Market at Old Vines on December 10th from 2pm to 8pm. Be sure to stop by to see our collection of in-house handmade jewelry at incredible prices. If you are unable to attend keep an eye on our social media for your chance to score great deals on handmade jewelry pieces; many featuring our state gem, tourmaline.

beaded jewelry

Speaking of social media we are thrilled to be bringing back our Annual Gift Guide. As always we will be featuring the wide range of items we have in store with gifts for everyone on your list and all budgets. This year will be improved for ease of ordering with prices and links to our website. Now you can pass along your wish list to Santa and Santa won’t even need to come in to complete the list! Free shipping on all orders over $75 from our website and we are open every day from 10am to 5pm to take orders over the phone!

Wishing you all a joy filled holiday season and remember to take time to slow down and appreciate the beauty of this time of year! Thankfulness, togetherness and appreciation of those and the world around us!

Fall in Kennebunkport

Squirrels are busy scurrying to collect rapidly falling acorns- their food for the coming winter months! The leaves on the trees are beginning to showcase brilliant reds, oranges and golden yellows and the summer flowers are losing their vibrancy and fading away to make room for fall’s favorite flowers- mums! Fall has arrived in Kennebunkport as buses arrive hourly, depositing tourists from all across America. Apple season will soon be upon us and we will once again enjoy the scent of freshly baked apple pie wafting from our kitchens. Temperatures are dipping into the 40’s and 50’s at night as they strive to reach mid 60’s in the day, so don’t forget to bring sweaters and light jackets as you pack for Maine. The town is bustling with activity as we welcome our fall visitors! Here, at Coastal Jewelers we have been busy replenishing our inventory with exciting new pieces.

September’s birthstone is Sapphire, ranging in gorgeous colors of blue, yellow, pink, green, purple, white and orange – quite the array of colors. Sapphires are a hard stone, ranked 9 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness and second only to diamonds ranking 10. Here are some metaphysical/healing properties of Sapphires:

  • Increased intuition
  • Mental clarity
  • Spiritual power
  • Assist in spiritual and personal growth

The rarest and most expensive of the sapphires is the pink-orange Padparadscha found in Sri Lanka. It takes its name from the Sanskrit word for the beautiful lotuses native to that part of the world.

padparadscha loose stone lotus

The most highly valued blue sapphires range from a velvety blue to violet blue, in medium to dark tones, as color is one of the most important influences on a sapphire’s value.

We have many beautiful sapphire pieces both on our website as well as in our store. Below are just a few samplings of what we offer.

Sapphire Ring white goldSapphire Ring


We are busily setting up a Fall Sale section in our store so stop by and have a peek! We are sure you will find a perfect piece to take home!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of our newest pieces that are simply spectacular:

Blue to Pink Bi Color TourmalineBlue Tourmaline Emerald Cut Dangle Earrings 14KW

How gorgeous are they?

So, that pretty much brings you up to date with our goings on. Susan and Brian’s oldest son, Conner is back at college beginning his sophomore year, as Quinn, the youngest son beginning his freshman year of high school!

Abbie is happily planning her next adventure to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands early next year. We will look forward to seeing her pictures!

Until next time, breathe in gratitude for all of your blessings and exhale any stress held inside! Enjoy Your Self!

Summer In Kennebunkport!

Finally summer has arrived in Kennebunkport bringing with her loads of warm sunny weather and plenty of out of town guests who are enjoying shopping and eating in our local establishments. It’s nice to see bustling activity both on our sidewalks and our marinas! This precious little town becomes energized and enlivened with our much welcomed tourists!

We at Coastal Jewelers are very busy creating spectacular engagement rings and selling our much beloved Maine tourmaline as well as training our newest staff members, Olivia and Molly. Two wonderful girls who will be with us until mid August when they will depart for their respective colleges. Molly intends to become a certified physician’s assistant, while Olivia plans to become a registered nurse. We are very lucky to have them with us.

As promised and pictured above, the finished product from our interactive co-creative project is a gorgeous indicolite tourmaline ring set in a 14k white gold vintage inspired setting. It was so much fun to hear from all of you and to co-create with you such a beautiful ring! Thank you for joining in and participating in this project and look for more upcoming interactive projects in the future

Susan and Brian MacDonald recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary! We wish them many more!

LOLA is a brand we carry, designed by a Massachusetts company, consisting of sterling silver chains in 3,4 or 5mm thickness and varying in length from the standard 18 inch to 30 inches. Sterling silver round medallions/charms can be worn singularly on the chain or stacked with multiples. Each charm has an engraved saying on the back and a colorful symbol on the front. Some examples are anchors, compass rose, sand dollars, whale tails and so much more. Stop by or checkout our collection under the LOLA tab of our website to take a look. They are great accompaniments to your summer wardrobe.

A customer came into the shop the other day and left us this card that said:

May All Beings Be Peaceful

May All Beings Be Happy

May All Beings Be Safe

May All Beings Awaken to the Light of Their True Nature

May All Beings be Free!

We thought this was a beautiful blessing and we wanted to pass it along to you. Much appreciation to the customer who left us this card!

Until next time, remember: “You mustn’t be afraid to sparkle a little brighter, Darling!”

Author Unknown

Let us help you sparkle!


Father’s Day, Diamonds and so much more at Coastal Jewelers!

Wow! Guess what’s right around the corner? Hint: Mothers were acknowledged in May! That’s right- Father’s turn! June 16th is coming fast but don’t panic, we’ve got you covered with our new section of gentlemen’s jewelry. Money clips, cuff links, bracelets with reversible leather inserts by Les Georgettes and a fabulous collection of men’s bands from Thorsten… bold, unique and modern. We have sterling silver chains worn alone or embellished with enamel medallions, as well as a great selection of Bering watches. You’re sure to find the perfect present for the men in your life! We will be happy to assist you in your search and will gift wrap too!

Bering Automatic Watch

We have searched and searched and finally found an exciting new diamond jewelry line where the pieces are reasonable and the quality and design is top notch. Diamond earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets designed to be worn alone or layered as is the current trend. Starting under $200, the pieces are great without sacrificing high quality and discriminating workmanship, adored by today’s woman who’s confident and aware of value. Featured in fashion conscious magazines such as Vogue and Cosmopolitan and frequently seen on many red carpets, Shy Creations stand out and are fashion forward pieces presently for sale at Coastal Jewelers. Come on in and become a Shy girl!

The MacDonald family has returned from their vacation in London and Scotland. All members reported having a great time and enjoyed spending time with each other. We’re happy to have them back in Kennebunkport, safe and sound!

Scotland Golf Course

We are excited to announce the birth of Abbie’s travel blog, documenting her travel adventures starting with Vietnam and Cambodia. She has detailed her travels day by day, allowing us to see these foreign lands through her eyes! You can access her blog here: She has titled her blog “Dear World It’s Abbie”! Sounds just like her don’t you think? So Congratulations Abbie on this creative endeavor and we so enjoy reading your blog!

8x6mm Oval Blue Tourmaline

We are progressing in our co-creative jewelry design project posted on our social media pages and mentioned in our last blog post. So far you have chosen an indicolite oval tourmaline stone, and voted to fashion it into a ring. The metal voting round is closing soon with white gold in the front. The final round will be the mounting and we will post images from which you will choose and those results will be posted as well. Then will come the finished product- a gorgeous tourmaline ring! How exciting to see its creation from start to finish! Good job and many thanks for your participation!

By the way, if you happen to see Summer please show her to Kennebunkport- we need the warmth! Til next time!
Breathe, Relax and take time for yourself!